We are pleased to announce that Unit4 ERP (Agresso) users can now register for our free 2024 User Day event at the ThinkTank Science Museum in Birmingham

UK Unit4 ERP User Day 2024

Secure your place with us at the leading Unit4 ERP event this year

We are pleased to announce that Unit4 Business World (Agresso) users can now register for our free 2024 User Day event at the ThinkTank Science Museum in Birmingham on Tuesday 3rd of December, 10am – 3:30pm. 

“A really useful day that’s given me lots of ideas on how to improve our system.”

This free event has been designed to offer users the chance to not only engage with our team of industry-leading experts, but also Unit4 ERP (Agresso) customers just like yourself through our varied topics.

The theme of this year’s User Day is ‘Getting the most of your system’.

The day’s topics will include

  • Web Screen Configurator,
  • EA+BPM,
  • End of Month financial processes,
  • The launch of our new Arribatec Integration Engine (AIE) product,
  • And more still be announced soon

A full agenda will be published shortly.

As well as providing you with a range of information and solutions to your Unit4 ERP (Agresso) challenges, such as modernising your financial processes and  strategic planning, providing advice with end-of-month invoicing, as well as an introduction to our new Task Engine.

We will also be hosting a session where you will get the chance to speak with one of our customers about their experiences of recent Unit4 ERP (Agresso) projects.

You can see more about last year’s event below:

Eager to learn more? Tell us what we can help you simplify ^

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