Arribatec’s UK Unit4 Users enjoy a day together learning their cloud options
Arribatec’s UK team hosted their annual user day event, with 65 people attending our full day at the ThinkTank Birmingham.
Following the COVID pandemic of 2020 forcibly cancelling many of our planned in-person events, we were thrilled to be able to finally host our annual user day in the UK. For the first time since 2019 we had the honour and joy of assembling as selection of our Unit4 Users in the same room and discuss how we can support them going into 2024.
“Thank you for putting on this day – most helpful.”
The theme of the day was ‘demystifying the cloud’ with an aim of providing clear and concise information about Unit4 Cloud migrations, after Unit4 announced they were ending support for on-premise systems.
With speakers from across all of Europe from Arribatec’s many areas of expertise, talking on a range of topics from the best cloud options, to Extension Kit and our support desk team, we were able to give those that attended a confidence in their cloud migration that they’d previously been lacking.
“It helped to allay some concerns I had about the move to the Unit4 cloud and gave me confidence in the plans I already had”
One true highlight from the whole day was the presentation given by Sally Little of The Growth Company, who meticulously and honestly went through her experience of working with Arribatec in migrating their Unit4 system to the cloud. Not only was she personally able to reduce the fears of some attendees, but was also confident in Arribatc’s ability to support any business who was looking to start their migration process.
Mark Bloomer, UK Managing Director said “We’ve really missed getting our customers together physically. Being able to talk to them in person, introduce them to one and other and sharing their experiences has been something we’ve missed.”
The day was an all-round success, with attendees not only praising the content of the presentations and the technical knowledge that was shared, but they also enjoyed the venue – ThinkTank Birmingham – and above all seemed highly enamoured with the lunch time options, specifically the flapjacks which went down a treat.
The UK team are already beginning work on planning the 2024 user day, with an aim to make it one of the biggest events that Arribatec manages each year, and one that continues to add value to our loyal customers.