Rob Tiley: Arribatec Account Manager and Guinness World Record holder

Arribatec is proud of our commitment toward our ESG (environmental, social and governance) policies, and with people like Rob and their support for local and national charities we’re able to do so much to help our world 

Rob Tiley: Arribatec Account Manager and Guinness World Record holder

It’s not everyday you get to say that you work with a Guinness World Record winner.

Recently, on an overcast Welsh beach on the auspicious date of St David’s Day, Robert Tiley,  Arribatec Account Manager, took his place amongst his team and embarked on a monumental challenge. Their mission? To try to claim the Guinness World Record for the longest Tug of War competition, aiming to claim the hotly contested title for the longest rope ever used in the game.

Against the picturesque backdrop of Pembrey Beach, where the salty sea breeze mingled with the electric atmosphere of anticipation, Rob Tiley, known more for his ERP knowledge and unwavering determination than his tug-of-war acumen, led his team onto the sandy battleground with a steely resolve. Across the beach stood the opposition, featuring two former Welsh rugby union international players who were equally pumped for the competition at hand.

With each tug, they inched closer to their goal, their muscles straining against the resistance of their opponents. Yet, amidst the gruelling exertion and the relentless strain, Rob and his team remained undeterred, their spirits unbroken by fatigue or doubt.

And then, despite the strength and size of their adversaries, victory was finally within their grasp. With a final surge of determination, Rob and his team pulled the rope one final stand and lurches over the winning line.

The small crowd that had formed to watch this titanic, albeit slightly odd, sight erupted into cheers and applause as the Guinness World Record adjudicators confirmed their remarkable achievement.

Reflecting on this historic victory when talking to the team the following Monday, Rob remarked, “Well, it was something to do.”

Rob Tiley: Arribatec Account Manager and Guinness World Record holder

The event was organised by The Wales Federation of Young Farmers Club, a bilingual charity that work hard to promote a sustainable future for Wales’s farming communities by helping young Welsh people who want to work in the agricultural sector, and it helped to raise vital funds for their continued hard work.

Although the event was a lot of fun and really rather quite silly, Rob’s a big proponent not just of charity but also sport, as a way to relax and unwind after the hard and hectic work that he does for  Arribatec in the UK. “It’s important to have fun and unwind when you can,” Rob said, “and if you can do that while helping people at the same time? It’s a win/win.”

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