Latest news from Arribatec Training Center
Welcome back!
We hope you had a great summer and that your t-shirt tan isn’t fading too quickly.
In the Arribatec Training Center (ATC) we have been beavering away, creating some shiny new training options for you…some paid, some free!
Here is an update on what you can expect from the ATC in September and beyond…
We have a training calendar
Our brand spanking new training calendar shows you upcoming webinars and courses. When you see a course that you like, you can sign up directly from the calendar. As well as English courses, we now also offer courses in Spanish, Norwegian, Swedish and French…Hurray, Hurra and Hourra!
Courses will mainly be run remotely via Teams. However, we will also be hosting courses at our offices where the coffee (and biscuits) will of course be on us. 😉
We have an Arribatec Learning Platform
We also offer a complete, bespoke learning platform which means we take care of your complete learning experience.
An online platform with a blended learning approach consisting of videos, exercises as well as face-to-face time with our trainers.
For a monthly fee we host, develop and maintain your learning platform ensuring that your staff gets relevant and up to date training to excel in their jobs.
Feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss this possibility.
We have a YouTube Channel
The ATC has launched a shiny new YouTube channel with helpful, handy, snappy videos on a range of useful topics. This is a chance for our experienced trainers to share some of their extensive knowledge…for free!
There will of course be plenty of videos on Unit4 ERP (Agresso), but we will also have videos relating to Arribatec owned/supported products and Microsoft Office products.
These short videos will give tips, tricks and hacks to make your work life more efficient. We hope that they complement (and tease!) our more extensive courses.
We will be adding content regularly, so please click on the banner below to view and subscribe. 😊
What is the same?
The Arribatec Training Center is a just over a year old. It is fantastic that so many companies are finding us and letting us help to increase knowledge and confidence of Unit4 ERP amongst their staff.
Because of our experienced training team, we can help customers at all stages of their ERP lifecycle where training is much needed: build and implementation, testing and go-live training, onboarding and business as usual (BAU) support, system update and refresh – we can help!
Of course, we will continue to offer both standard public courses as well as bespoke training packages. We can deliver training online via Teams but are more than happy to visit you and deliver training while we test your coffee and biscuits…
If you want to know more about how we see training at Arribatec, please have a look at this interview with our training manager Peter Stevens from last year.
Thanks for taking the time to read our update.
We are excited about the future…and eager to train!
From all of us at the ATC, we hope to see you soon.