Corporate Governance ^

The Company’s Board of Directors embraces the principles for good corporate governance and is vigilant about the Company’s adherence to these principles.

As a security provider, understanding and adhering to rules and regulations is of the utmost importance to Arribatec. Good corporate governance benefits the Company’s reputation and thus value, and vice versa. The Company adheres to the following set of principles with regard to corporate governance:

  • Transparency – The communication between the Company and its stakeholders shall be based on transparency about relevant matters to evaluate the operations of the Company.
  • Independence – The Board of Directors shall act independently of the Company’s executive management to ensure that decisions are made on fair and neutral grounds.
  • Equality – All shareholders shall be treated equally.

Control and Governance

Good internal control and governance principles shall contribute to predictability and risk mitigation for owners and other stakeholders.

1. Corporate Governance

At Arribatec Group ASA, At all times, the Company seeks to comply with the most recent applicable legal framework for companies listed on the Norwegian stock exchange. The Company endorses the “Norwegian code of practice for Corporate Governance” (“NUES”) in its most recent revision (October 2018), which is available on The Company conducts annual corporate governance reviews to ensure continued compliance. Considering the size and maturity of the Company, there may be deviations from the code. Arribatec will adhere to the principle “declare or explain” regarding any non-compliance with respect to the code. 

The Company’s policies, instructions and internal processes are continuously developed.

More financial news ^

quarterly report

Arribatec Q4 2024

Watch the stream from February 28th, when CEO of Arribatec Group, Geir Johansen, presented the financial results from the fourth quarter of 2024.

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Arribatec Q3 2024

Watch the stream from November 6th, when CEO of Arribatec Group, Geir Johansen, presented the financial results from the third quarter of 2024.

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