Extension Kit Workshop 18th October 2024
About the course:
This is a ‘toolkit’ workshop that gives the learner an insight into many of the common functions and options within the Extension Kit application.
The examples used will be meaningful and will give the learners a good basic understanding of what can be done with the tools available, and an inspiration for how they may use it to increase functionality in their own Unit4 ERP system.
Check our pricing and payment options
Trainee Prerequisites – Knowledge:
A knowledge of the following areas would is necessary for the learner:
- Unit4 ERP (Agresso / U4BW) navigation
- Knowledge of Unit4 ERP modules and core concepts
- Experience of Web APIs
What the trainees will receive:
Other than the hands-on training session itself, the trainees will receive:
- A certificate of completion
Course Summary:
“The course is led by an experienced Arribatec Training Centre (ATC) trainer, using the dedicated ATC training environment. The learners are given temporary access to the environment during the course.
This course uses two real-life Extension kit functions. We will backwards-engineer these different functions to see how they work and will recreate them from scratch so that each part of the building process can be explained and experienced.”
Extension Kit Workshop full-day course
Payment will be done by invoice after registration is made. Once payment is completed, the trainee will receive the link to the session.
If you are a business and want to enrol more than 5 people, contact us to learn more about our organisation and entreprise offering.